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Projects attached to the partner Oikodrom

VA2EL- Valoriser les acquis des élus locaux - 2008-2010

VA2EL- Valoriser les acquis des élus locaux VA2EL- Valoriser les acquis des élus locaux

Initiated by iriv together with the National Institute for Local Development under the "Lifelong learning" programme (call for proposal 2008), under the Leonardo da Vinci programme, the project is meant to identify, evaluate and validate skills and qualifications acquired by local coucnillors as an informal learning for a professional purpose". Six countries have been selected : France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Lithaunia and Poland. This is a transfer of innovation of former LdV project initiated and directed by Iriv (www.eEuropeassociations.net.) This project is supported by the European programme Leonardo da Vinci.


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Vaeb - 2003-2006

Vaeb Vaeb Vaeb

A l'initiative de l'Iriv, il réunit 14 partenaires dans 7 pays européens (France, Allemagne , Autriche , Hongrie , Italie , Pologne et Royaume-Uni). Il a été financé grâce à la Commission européenne (programme communautaire Leonardo da Vinci "Former et éduquer tout au long de la vie".) et avec un soutien du Conseil régional de Champagne Ardenne pour l'expérimentation en France.

France Germany Austria Italy United Kingdom Poland Hungary

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