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Bibliographie - Royaume-Uni

Attwood, C, Singh, G, Prime, D, Creasey, R. et al.

2001 Home Office Citizenship Survey: people, families and communities , Home Office: London, 2003

Cox, E

'Rewarding Volunteers: A study of participant responses to the assessment and accreditation of volunteer learning' , Education of Adults , 2002

Davis Smith (Justin)

Volunteering in Europe, The Volunteer Center, 1993

Davis Smith, J, Ellis, A and Howlett, S

UK-Wide Evaluation of the Millennium Volunteers Programme Research Report 357, Department for Education and Skills: Nottingham , 2002

Davis Smith, Justin

The 1997 National Survey of Volunteering, Institute for Volunteering Research: London , 1998

Department of Education and Skills

DfES Gap Year Pilot Scheme: Report on current volunteering initiatives offering financial incentives to young people , DoE, London, 2003

Department of Employment

Working Together - Education and Training, HMSO: London, 1986

Ecclestone, K

'Accreditation in Adult Learning: Raising levels of accreditation how far can we go?' , Adults Learning , 1993

Ellis, A & Rochester

The way forward for student volunteering? , NCVO research conference Birmingham, 2003


Accreditation of Unpaid Work, Euclid, London, 1996

Forlin, C, & Rose, R.

Authentic school partnerships for enabling inclusive education in Hong Kong., Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 2010

Fryer, R

Learning for the 21st Century, National Advisory group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, , 1997

Gaskin, K,

What young people want from volunteering, Institute for Volunteering Research: London , 1998

Gaskin, K. & Smith, J.D.

A New Civic Europe? A Study of the Extent and Role of Volunteering, The Volunteer Centre. , 1995

Harland, K

A foot in the door: involving young people in society through voluntary action, Voluntary Service Belfast , 1999

Henderson, P & Mayo, M

Training and Education in urban regeneration: A framework for participants, Joseph Rowntree Foundation , 1998

Home Office

Alun Michael outlines government commitment to promoting volunteering , Home Office, 1997-2004

Imperial War Museum North

Shape Your Future: An innovative volunteering programme, Imperial War Museum North, 2003

Institute for Research on Volunteering (IRV)

Voluntary Action, IRV, 1997-2001

Institute for Volunteering Research in association with the Development Resource Centre

Report - IYV Global Evaluation, Development Resource Centre , South Africa, , 2002

Jones, K., Doveston, M, & Rose, R.

The motivations of mentors: promoting relationships, supporting pupils, engaging with communities. , Pastoral Care in Education , 2009

Kennett (David A.)

Developments in the Theory of Public and Private Redistribution, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1980

Lewis, I.

'Time to end Britain's educational apartheid' , Adults Learning , 2003

National Centre for Volunteering

Accreditation of Voluntary Work, National Centre for Volunteering, 2003

National Centre for Volunteering

The Human Resources benefits of employee volunteering , National Centre for Volunteering, 2003

National Institute of Adult Continuing Education

Valuing Volunteers: The accreditation of voluntary training and experience: Leicester , National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 1990

Rawls (John)

A Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press, Oxford, 1971

Robertson, D

Funding the leaning society' , Adults Learning , 1995

Rochester, C,

One size does not fit all: Four models of involving volunteers in small voluntary organisations' , Voluntary Action , 1999

Rose, R, & Doveston, M.

Pupils talking about their learning mentors: what can we learn? , Educational Studies , 2008

Rose, R, & Jones, K.

The efficacy of a volunteer mentoring scheme in supporting young people at risk. , Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 2007

Rose, R.

Confronting Obstacles to Inclusion: International Responses to Developing Inclusive Education. , London: Routledge , 2010

Rose, R. (2009)

Creating a team around the student: challenging disaffection through collaboration., New York: IASE, 2009


Making It Work: Learning and Accreditation in the Voluntary Sector, RSA, 2001

Spinks, T,

Credit where credit is due: A route to recognition and accreditation for volunteers, Wales Council for Voluntary Action: Caerphilly , 1997

Tiernan, K

'Accrediting Unpaid Work' , Adults Learning , 1995

Wilson (Ruth)

Volunteering and asylum, Volunteering England, 2003

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