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VAEB - 2003-2006

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  1. Scope
  2. Object
  3. Objectives
  4. Public
  5. Results
  6. Project's partners
  7. State of play
  8. Consultation
  9. Portfolio and support guide
  10. Experimentation
  11. European networks
  12. Publications & Presentations

VIII. Consultation

In the second stage of the AVE project, the consultation, a questionnaire was dispatched among the associations in each one of the seven countries. The consultation which took place in spring 2004, aimed to present the AVE project to the volunteers' managers ; to appreciate its interest for the organisation ; to create a network of associations interested in the experimentation of the portfolio and guide.

The questions asked in the questionnaire concerned: management of volunteering into the association: the selection of the volunteers, the skills required to be a volunteer, the competences assessed in the evaluation of a candidate and monitoring ; training of volunteers: the items and content of the training, the accreditation and qualification offered ; An evaluation of volunteering: the competences and qualities developed by the volunteers ; the assessment of acquired skills: the strategy used by the associations, the award, the accreditation and the qualification. The survey covered at least 50 associations for each country. The domain of activity and the profile of the associations were various.

The questionnaires and reports presenting the results of the consultation among associations for each of the seven countries are available by clicking on the flags:

in France France
in Germany Allemagne
in Austria Autriche
in Hungary Hongrie
in Italy Italie
in Poland Pologne
in United Kingdom Royaume-Uni

IX. Portfolio and support guide → ← VII. State of play