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VAEB à l’Aria - 2003-2006

VAEB à l’AriaVAEB à l’Aria

  1. Scope
  2. Objectives
  3. Results
  4. Experimentation
  5. European networks
  6. French networks
  7. Publications & Presentations


ARIA is an association gathering wives and husbands of military staff . It was created in 1992 with a special focus on the employment of wives and husbands of military staff. As a pilot project, ARIA has decided to make a study on the ways and means to promote AVE among its volunteers.

ARIA has been studying for the ten past years on the difficulties wives and husbands of military staff have to cope with on the labour market. The AVE may be a way to support professional integration by valuing an involvement in association. Training has been a constant purpose for the managers of ARIA since its creation in 1992. AVE may be a way to make the link between a voluntary work and a paid work.

 The proposed tool, a portfolio, will identify both general and technical skills . This project is meant to answer the needs for recognition and valorisation of their skills expressed by volunteers. For the associations, it should be a way to value the training programmes offered to volunteers as they could use them in a professional perspective. The study also answers the demands expressed by the institutional partners of the associations : public authorities (central administration or local autjorities) eager to recognize volunteering as a form of informal apprenticeship ; professionals working in human ressources (employment agencies in particular) willing to integrate all the dimensions of a candidate's life in his/her curriculum (formal, informal, non formal).

I. Scope

Initiated by iriv together with ARIA with the support f the Social Action of the Armed Forces and the European Social Fund, this pilot study is meant to identify, value and assess knowledge and know-how acquired by women through a voluntary experience, in the field of an association, ARIA , dedicated to the families of military staff'. the methodology was inspired by the Vaeb project.

II. Objectives

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III. Results

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IV. Experimentation

Several sessions of experimentation were held in France by iriv (october 2003- december 2006) in close relationship with the national team of ARIA and the CAEC Vincennes.

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V. European networks

Aria Project leader
iriv Coordinator

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VI. French networks

ANPE (National Agency for Employment)
ACEIP : association for prefets and sous-prefets' wives
MAE-AFCA: association for diplomats' wives
CNAM (National Conservatory for Arts and Trade)
Ministry for Defense  (Bureau suporting soldiers' wives and husbands for finding a job)
House for the Economic Development and Employment 
CAEC agency for supporting soldiers'wives on the labour market

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VII. Publications & Presentations


Training programmes



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